The Christian Luminary, Volume 2, Numbers 1 and 2 (January and February 1863)
John Boggs
The Christian Luminary: A Monthly Periodical Devoted to the Temporal Advancement and Eternal Welfare of the Whole Family, containing Sermons, Essays, Correspondence, Religious News, and Editorials. Volume 2, Numbers 1 and 2 (January and February 1863)
These two issues have the paper covers. The two issues are identified as Whole No. CXLV and CXLVI (145 and 146).
This is called the "New Series." The whole numbers count back to the North-western Christian Magazine, first published in July 1854 and include the Christian Luminary Semi-monthly, published from July 1858 to circa December 1861.
The Christian Luminary: A Semi-monthly Journal. September 1, 1858. No. 5
John Boggs
The Christian Luminary: A Semi-monthly Journal. September 1, 1858. No. 5.
Devoted to Primitive Christianity, Universal Liberty, Temperance and Education.
"Pledged to no party's arbitrary sway, we follow truth where'er it leads the way."
This journal supersedes the North-western Christian Magazine, a monthly published from July 1854 - June 1858.
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