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This issue has the second part of a three-part article on "Fellowship" by James H. Brooks of Hickman, Kentucky. The Gospel Messenger has numerous mentions of Brooks, ranging from his reports of meetings to his organization of church rallies. We have not been able yet to determine the biographical data for Brooks. Per the Christian Standard Index, he later moves to Arkansas and is active there from 1903 to 1915.
Oscar Pendleton Spiegel reports (page 4) on the dedication of a new tent on Sunday, November 28th for the work in Alabama. "The tent was dedicated to God to be used by his children in bringing other souls into his family."
Publication Date
Messenger Publishing Company
Nashville, Tennessee
James H. Brooks, Marion Franklin Harmon, Oscar Pendleton Spiegel, Nashville, Tennessee, Southern Stone-Campbell Congregations, Stone-Campbell Movement Periodicals, Messenger Publishing Company, Nashville, Tennessee, James Madison Watson
Recommended Citation
Watson, James M., "Gospel-Messenger-8-49-December-9-1897" (1897). Gospel Messenger. 49.