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Report of the First General Convention of the Christian (Colored) Churches in the U. S. A. Held at Nashville, Tennessee, August [sic! the month was September] 5th to 9th, 1917.
The booklet includes the following addresses:
R. E. Pearson, Christian Leadership
W. H. Dickerson, The Negro Disciple and the Apostolic Program
W. A. Scott, The Importance of Co-operation in the Work of the Kingdom
Preston Taylor, The Status and Outlook of the Colored Brotherhood
Publication Date
National Christian Missionary Convention
Nashville, Tennessee
Report of the First General Convention of the Christian (Colored) Churches in the U. S. A., National Christian Missionary Convention, Preston Taylor, R. E. Pearson, W. H. Dickerson, W. A. Scott, Negro Disciples of Christ, African American Disciples of Christ, Colored Christian Churches
Recommended Citation
Pearson, R E., "Report of the First General Convention of the Christian (Colored) Churches in the U. S. A." (1917). National Christian Missionary Convention Minutes. 7.