Submit Your Research | Stone-Campbell Movement Resources

Submit Your Research

Journal of Discipliana Articles Invited

The Editorial Committee of the Journal of Discipliana invites manuscript submissions in all areas of the Stone-Campbell Movement. Editors are seeking contributions grounded in original research which defend a clear thesis and inform specialists and/or general readers. Articles should explore issues relevant to all aspects of thought and religious life and practice within the historical or contemporary Stone-Campbell Movement.

The General Editor of the Journal of Discipliana, an online only, open access journal, is Tim Lee, who works in consultation with an editorial committee. Scholars from the three primary streams of the Stone-Campbell Movement: the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ, the Churches of Christ (a cappella), and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) serve on the editorial committee. Dr. Joel Brown, president of the Disciples of Christ Historical Society, is publisher.

Teachers of graduate students are encouraged not only to submit their own scholarly endeavors but those of their most promising students. The Historical Society seeks to cultivate the work of young scholars through the Isaac Errett Award, an essay contest which each year honors an outstanding student essay.

Manuscripts should follow the Chicago Manual of Style and the SBL Handbook of Style and are to be 5000-6500 words (or approximately 18 - 20 pages, double-spaced) with footnotes. Submit in Microsoft Word to General Editor, Dr. Tim Lee at

Biographical Sketches
Foundational and Controversial Stone-Campbell Movement Documents
All Indexes
Journal of Discipliana
Unpublished Letters of the Disciples of Christ
Minutes and Proceedings
American Christian Missionary Society Proceedings
National Christian Missionary Convention Minutes
Stone-Campbell Movement Monographs
Stone-Campbell Movement Pamphlets
Scholarly Quarterlies
American Christian Quarterly Review
Christian Quarterly
Christian Quarterly (New Series)
Christian Quarterly Review
New Christian Quarterly
Stone-Campbell Movement Periodical Indexes
Stone-Campbell Movement Periodicals
American Christian Review
Apostolic Times
Bible Advocate Illinois
Bible Advocate, Paris, Tennessee, and St. Louis, Missouri
Christian Companion
Christian Evangelist Iowa
Christian Guide
Christian Herald (Illinois)
Christian Journal (Harrodsburg)
Christian Luminary
Christian Magazine
Christian Messenger (Cheneyville, Louisiana)
Christian Messenger (Jackson, Mississippi)
Christian Pioneer
Christian Plea
Christian Record
Christian Reformer
Christian Sentinel
Christian Standard
Discipliana - Archival Issues
Gospel Echo
Gospel Messenger
Gospel Plea
Heretic Detector
Louisiana Christian (Crowley)
Louisiana Christian (Various Cities)
Oldtimers' Grapevine
Proclamation and Reformer
Southern Christian
Update on the Black Church
Youth's Conference Call
All Yearbooks