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Preston Taylor, The Status and Outlook of the Colored Brotherhood
Delivered at the first National Christian Missionary Convention, this address by Taylor is foundational for African American Disciples of Christ.
Regarding his address, Cardwell and Fox state:
"Taylor possibly made the most biting remarks. He criticized Whites for being half-hearted in their approach to the evangelization and cultivation of African-Americans. He deplored the non-committal stance of White Disciples on race, which he said was the reason for the smallness of Black Disciples numbers. Taylor regretted the lack of an effective means for inter-communication among African-American Disciples of Christ. Yet he appealed for greater cooperation between the races in "building the kingdom of God." He pled for a better program for producing adequately prepared ministerial leaders." (Journey toward Wholeness: A History of Black Disciples of Christ in the Mission of the Christian Church, Volume 1 From Convention to Convocation: No Longer 'Objects' of Mission, But 'Partners In" the Work (1700 - 1988) 26).
Publication Date
National Christian Missionary Convention of the Churches of Christ
Nashville, Tennessee
Preston Taylor, National Christian Missionary Convention, Foundational Documents, African American Issues
Recommended Citation
Taylor, Preston, "Preston Taylor, The Status and Outlook of the Colored Brotherhood" (1917). Foundational and Controversial Stone-Campbell Movement Documents. 1.