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Review Publishers, Can't We Agree on Something?
In the American Christian Review, June 21 1932 issue, the Review publishers included an article "Can't We Agree on Something?" Daniel Sommer endorsed the article in April 1933. Those who disagreed with portions of the article, including Carl Ketcherside, when they referred to it called it "The Rough Draft."
For a reference to Daniel Sommer's endorsement of the article: Office Notes, C. W. Sommer, Apostolic Review, Vol. 77, Nos. 17-18 (April 25, 1933): 10
"The “Rough Draft” was drafted and printed while the Senior Editor was several hundred miles away. On his return to the office, the first thing he said, after greetings, was: “That ‘Rough Draft’ should be printed again and again.” This explanation should satisfy all that the Review force is at harmony on this subject. It was a last appeal for Unity on the Church and her Worship, suggested by the perplexities that arose every day at the office because of the impossible situation preachers and papers had finally arrived at. Church troubles and disputed questions had become the standard of measure for loyalty, rather than the Church, and—no preacher we knew was counted “loyal” by all. Now we know where we stand, for the Church is the measuring rod, which is sufficiently exclusive and inclusive for human beings to use Scripturally and fairly."
Publication Date
Apostolic Review
Indianapolis, Indiana
Foundational Documents of the Stone-Campbell Movement, Daniel Sommer, American Christian Review, Rough Draft, Can't We Agree on Something?, Appeals for Unity among Churches of Christ
Recommended Citation
Publishers, Review, "Review Publishers, Can't We Agree on Something?" (1932). Foundational and Controversial Stone-Campbell Movement Documents. 16.