This background from Cardwell, Journey toward Wholeness, page 21, explains the beginning of the National Christian Missionary Convention:
"African-American Disciples leaders were frustrated. This frustration brought about the organization of the National Christian Missionary Convention (NCMC). They yearned for participation in the administration and implementation of their own affairs.
Two calls went out to Black Disciples of Christ church leaders in 1917 to come together for the formation of an African-American-Ied and fashioned National Convention. William Alphin gave a call to come to St. Louis during the assembly of the predominantly Anglo-American International Convention. Alphin was a great advocate of cooperation and togetherness between the races. On the other hand, Preston Taylor, W. H. Dickerson, and Henry L. Herod joined in giving a call for the brothers and sisters to come to Nashville, Tennessee, in September 1917. Key leaders answered that call."
DCHS has a Virtual Cemetery where we are gathering information about African American leaders in the Stone-Campbell Movement, with special emphasis on people affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The majority of the people in the collection are African Americans. A few people are non-African Americans, but are listed because of their work among African Americans. The Virtual Cemetery is here.
Minutes of the Thirty-Ninth Annual Session, National Christian Missionary Convention of the Disciples of Christ
R L. Saunders
Minutes of the Thirty-Ninth Annual Session, National Christian Missionary Convention of the Disciples of Christ. Theme: "Teaching Christ--The Task of the Church" [Held at] Summit Christian Church, Summit and Mercer Sts., Dayton, Ohio. Eli W. Wilbert, Host Pastor. August 22 - 28, 1955. R. H. Peoples, President; R. L. Saunders, Secretary.
Eli W. Wilbert (1906 - 1981) added to Virtual Cemetery.
Minutes Thirty-Eighth National Christian Missionary Convention of the Disciples of Christ
R L. Saunders
Minutes Thirty-Eighth National Christian Missionary Convention of the Disciples of Christ. August 16 - 22, 1954. Held with Centennial Christian Church, [St. Louis, Missouri], Rev. W. K. Fox, Host Pastor. L. L. Dickerson, President, National Christian Missionary Convention; R. L. Saunders, Secretary, National Christian Missionary Convention.
Minutes of the Thirty-seventh Annual Session, National Christian Missionary Convention of the Disciples of Christ
R L. Saunders
Minutes of the Thirty-seventh Annual Session, National Christian Missionary Convention of the Disciples of Christ. Theme: "Assist Me to Proclaim" [Held at] Louden Avenue Christian Church, 730 Louden Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia. Melvin C. Dickerson, Host Pastor. August 17 - 23, 1953. L. L. Dickerson, President; R. L. Saunders, Secretary.
Minutes 36th Annual National Christian Missionary Convention of the Disciples of Christ
R L. Saunders
Minutes 36th Annual National Christian Missionary Convention of the Disciples of Christ. August 11 - 17, 1952. Held with Avalon Christian Church, Los Angeles, California. B. C. Duke, Host Pastor. B. T. Hunt, President, National Christian Missionary Convention. R. L. Saunders, Secretary, National Christian Missionary Convention.
Minutes 35th Annual National Christian Missionary Convention of the Disciples of Christ
R L. Saunders
Minutes 35th Annual National Christian Missionary Convention of the Disciples of Christ. August 21 - 26, 1951. Held with Second Christian Church, 2901 North Kenwood Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana. R. H. Peoples, Pastor. B. T. Hunt, President, National Christian Missionary Convention. R. L. Saunders, Secretary, National Christian Missionary Convention.
Minutes 34th Annual National Christian Missionary Convention of the Disciples of Christ
R L. Saunders
Minutes 34th Annual National Missionary Convention of the Disciples of Christ. August 22 - 27, 1950. Held with Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church, 978 Mississippi Blvd., Memphis, Tennessee. B. T. Hunt, Pastor; R. H. Davis, President, National Christian Missionary Convention; R. L. Saunders, Secretary, National Christian Missionary Convention.
Minutes 33rd Annual National Christian Missionary Convention of the Disciples of Christ
R L. Saunders
Minutes 33rd Annual National Missionary Convention of the Disciples of Christ. August 22 - 28, 1949. Held with Southern Christian Institute, Edwards, Mississippi. John Long, President, Southern Christian Institute; Mr. R. H. Davis, President, National Christian Missionary Convention; E. L. Griffin, President of Mississippi Convention; R. L. Saunders, Secretary, National Christian Missionary Convention.
Minutes of the 32nd National Convention of the Christian Church, Disciples of Christ
Lloyd L. Dickerson
Minutes of the 32nd National Convention of the Christian Church, Disciples of Christ. Held with United Christian Church, Detroit, Eld. R. L. Jordan, Pastor. August 17 - 24, 1948. Elder S. S. Myers, Pres. Elder L. L. Dickerson, Secy.
Minutes of the 31st National Convention of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Lloyd L. Dickerson
Minutes of the 31st National Convention of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Held with 5th Christian Church, Cincinnati, Ohio, Elder S. C. Devine, Pastor. August 20 - 24, 1947. Elder S. S. Myers, Pres. Elder L. L. Dickerson, Sec'y
Minutes of the 30th National Convention of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Lloyd L. Dickerson
Minutes of the 30th National Convention of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Held with Stuyvesant Heights Church, Brooklyn, New York, Elder R. E. Hancock, Pastor. August 20 - 25, 1946. Elder S. S. Myers, Pres. Elder L. L. Dickerson, Sec'y.
Samuel C. Devine (? - 1965), of the Fifth Christian Church, Cincinnati, Ohio, delivered the Annual Sermon.
Minutes 29th National Convention of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Lloyd L. Dickerson
Minutes 29th National Convention of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Held with Lea Ave. Christian Church on the Campus of A. N. I. State College, Nashville, Tenn., August 22 - 26, 1945. Elder S. S. Myers, Pres.; Elder L. L. Dickerson, Sec'y.
Minutes of the Twenty-Seventh Annual National Christian Missionary Convention District [sic] of Christ of America, Incorporated
Lloyd L. Dickerson
Minutes of the Twenty-Seventh Annual National Christian Missionary Convention District [sic; Disciples] of Christ of America, Incorporated. Held with the Monroe Avenue Christian Church, Columbus, Ohio, August 17th - 24, 1943. Elder W. H. Taylor, President; Elder L. L. Dickerson, Secretary.
Minutes of the Twenty-Sixth Annual National Christian Missionary Convention Disciples of Christ of America, Incorporated
Lloyd L. Dickerson
Minutes of the Twenty-Sixth Annual National Christian Missionary Convention Disciples of Christ of America, Incorporated. Held with the Woodland Avenue Christian Church, Kansas City, Missouri, August 17th - 23rd, 1942, at Western College. Elder R. Wesley Watson, President; Elder W. H. Taylor, President-Elect; Elder L. L. Dickerson, Secretary.
Minutes of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Christian Missionary Convention of the Disciples of Christ of America
Lloyd L. Dickerson
Minutes of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Christian Missionary Convention of the Disciples of Christ of America. Held at Lea Avenue Christian Church, Nashville, Tennessee, August 19 to 24, 1941. Headquarters: A. & I. State College.
Minutes of the Twenty-Second Annual Christian Missionary Convention of the Churches of Christ of America
J F. Whitfield
Minutes of the Twenty-Second Annual Christian Missionary Convention of the Churches of Christ of America. Held in Knoxville, Tennessee, August 23 - 28, 1938. Vine Avenue Christian Church.
Minutes of the Twenty-First Annual Christian Missionary Convention of the Churches of Christ of America
Charles E. Craggett
Minutes of the Twenty-First Annual Christian Missionary Convention of the Churches of Christ of America. Held in Dayton, O., August 24 - 29, 1937. Headquarters: Norwood Avenue Christian Church.
Minutes of the 17th Annual National Christian Missionary Convention
Charles Ernest Craggett
Minutes of the 17th Annual National Christian Missionary Convention. Held at Cincinnati, Ohio, August 21 - 27, 1933. [Headquarters]: Fifth Christian Church.
Apparently no printed edition of the minutes exists for this year. The typed pages in this entry in the DCHS Digital Commons are the only known copy of the minutes for 1933.
Minutes of the Thirteenth Annual Christian Missionary Convention of the Churches of Christ
Vance G. Smith
Minutes of the Thirteenth Annual Christian Missionary Convention of the Churches of Christ, held at Winston-Salem, N. C. August 26 to September 1, 1929. Headquarters, Cleveland Ave. Christian Church, in co-operation with Middle Fork Christian Church.
Minutes of the Twelfth Annual Christian Missionary Convention of the Churches of Christ
Vance G. Smith
Minutes of the Twelfth Annual Christian Missionary Convention of the Churches of Christ. Held at Chicago, Illinois, August 25 to September 2, 1928. Headquarters: Oakwood Boulevard Church. The Proceedings, Officers, Committees and Reports of the Church Convention and the Minutes of the Departments including the Bible School, W. M. S. and Christian Endeavor.
Minutes of the Eleventh Annual Christian Missionary Convention of the Churches of Christ of the United States
Charles Ernest Craggett
Minutes of the Eleventh Annual Christian Missionary Convention of the Churches of Christ of the United States, Held at Washington, D. C., August 29th to September 4th, 1927. Headquarters: 12th Street Christian Church.
Minutes of the Tenth Annual Christian Missionary Convention of the Churches of Christ of the United States
Blair T. Hunt
Minutes of the Tenth Annual Christian Missionary Convention of the Churches of Christ of the United States. Held at Louisville, Kentucky, August 23 to 29, 1926. Headquarters: Third Christian Church Chestnut and Sixteenth Streets.
Minutes of the Ninth Annual National Christian Missionary Convention of the Churches of Christ of the United States
Blair T. Hunt
Minutes of the Ninth Annual Christian Missionary Convention of the Churches of Christ of the United States, [held at] Cincinnati, Ohio, August 24 - 30, 1925. Held at Kenyon Ave. Christian Church.
[Minutes of] Eighth National Convention of the Churches of Christ of the United States
Blair T. Hunt
[Minutes of] Eighth National Convention of the Churches of Christ of the United States. [Held at] Chicago, Illinois. August 26-31, 1924. Headquarters: Forrestville School, 45th Street and St. Lawrence Ave., for Armour Avenue Christian Church.
Includes Address of Preston Taylor on pages 24 - 32.
Joel Baer Lehman's report, What is Done in a Missionary Way for the Negro Race at Home and Abroad, is on page 41.
Minutes of the Sixth National Convention of Christian Churches in America
William Martin
Minutes of the Sixth National Convention of Christian Churches in America
[Held at] Second Christian Church, Indianapolis, Indiana, August 21 - 27, 1922.
Minutes of the Fifth National Convention of Christian Churches in America
William Martin
Minutes of the Fifth National Convention of Christian Churches in America. [Held at] Jarvis Christian Institute, Hawkins, Texas. August 23 - 28, 1921.
Addresses included are:
Harry G. Smith, Ministerial Co-operation on the Unified Program of the Church
W. P. Martin, Church Erection and Extension