This background from Cardwell, Journey toward Wholeness, page 21, explains the beginning of the National Christian Missionary Convention:
"African-American Disciples leaders were frustrated. This frustration brought about the organization of the National Christian Missionary Convention (NCMC). They yearned for participation in the administration and implementation of their own affairs.
Two calls went out to Black Disciples of Christ church leaders in 1917 to come together for the formation of an African-American-Ied and fashioned National Convention. William Alphin gave a call to come to St. Louis during the assembly of the predominantly Anglo-American International Convention. Alphin was a great advocate of cooperation and togetherness between the races. On the other hand, Preston Taylor, W. H. Dickerson, and Henry L. Herod joined in giving a call for the brothers and sisters to come to Nashville, Tennessee, in September 1917. Key leaders answered that call."
DCHS has a Virtual Cemetery where we are gathering information about African American leaders in the Stone-Campbell Movement, with special emphasis on people affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The majority of the people in the collection are African Americans. A few people are non-African Americans, but are listed because of their work among African Americans. The Virtual Cemetery is here.
Report of the Third National Convention, Second National C. W. B. M. Convention and Call for First Sunday School Convention of the Christian Churches (Of Color) in the United States of America
R E. Pearson
Report of the Third National Convention, Second National C. W. B. M. Convention and Call for First Sunday School Convention of the Christian Churches (Of Color) in the United States of America
Held at Nashville, Tennessee, September 2 - 7, 1919
Report of the Second National Convention of Colored Christian Churches and the First C. W. B. M. Convention in the U. S. A.
Anonymous Anonymous
Report of the Second National Convention of Colored Christian Churches and the First C. W. B. M. Convention in the U. S. A.
Held in Nashville, Tennessee, September 9 - 15, 1918
Report of the First General Convention of the Christian (Colored) Churches in the U. S. A.
R E. Pearson
Report of the First General Convention of the Christian (Colored) Churches in the U. S. A. Held at Nashville, Tennessee, August [sic! the month was September] 5th to 9th, 1917.
The booklet includes the following addresses:
R. E. Pearson, Christian Leadership
W. H. Dickerson, The Negro Disciple and the Apostolic Program
W. A. Scott, The Importance of Co-operation in the Work of the Kingdom
Preston Taylor, The Status and Outlook of the Colored Brotherhood